Transfer news!
Saturday night we got the calls and we are both staying in Sweetwater another 6 weeks. I'm pretty excited! But our car is going to a different area so now we are in bikes!! Which is no problem for me =) I had a feeling I'd stay here and I'm glad I am. We had a good week of missionary work. On Tuesday we were at a lesson outside of someone's apartment when suddenly 6 cop cars come storming into the complex and stop a guy that was casually walking away. So we're sitting there talking about the restoration of the church as police officers are busting someone for drugs and fighting. Totally drove the Spirit away! Haha Anyway, just a funny experience. Our new recent convert Daniel is doing phenomenal! He came to church here yesterday then we went back to his place and barbecued some chicken and read from the Book of Mormon. There's just a special Spirit about this guy, he's going to do great things in the church. I call him Monkey or Monk because that was his nickname overseas. What a boss!
My goal for these next 6 weeks is to activate the less-active families!! Our attendance would literally double if like four more families came to church. It makes it harder for the people we teach to come to church and there's no one to fellowship them. I'm just going to hit 'em with Elder Holland's talk where he says, "If you're not active, GET ACTIVE." Think that'll work? Haha
We're having some good weather out here in the country of Texas. Sorry I haven't sent pictures lately, but being on bike now I'll have some more shots to take. I attatched some pictures I got from Daniel's phone. First picture is Elder Cosman, Daniel, and me. Second is me shooting an M4 Carbine. Keep it real, make this week great!!
Love y'all,
Elder Ricardo Rios
1729 Hailey St #E53
Sweetwater, Tx 79556
Shooting a M4 Carbine.
Elder Cosman, Daniel, and me.